As you know, I teach group fitness classes all the time! Sometimes I push my body to teach 10+ classes a week, along side my regular daytime job. Some classes I do not go all out, but Kickboxing or Spinning classes are very demanding. Both mentally physically.
Today, I had the luxury of exercising at my local gym with my Awesome Workout Playlist. It was a nice change of pace for me and I would love to share it with you. So here goes!
Jonathon's Leg Workout (Perform each exercise 3 times - one minute rest between exercises/sets)
Start you leg workout with Cardio:
- 5 minute walking pace to warm up the body
- 7 minutes at a high, or the highest, incline and an aggressive pace
- 6 minutes at a high speed with no incline
- 2 minutes at your walking pace to cool down
Move to strength and endurance:
- Weighted Lunges (8x/leg)
- Grab heavier weights and lunge one leg in forward, keeping the knee directly above the ankle, push off the front leg to the starting position. Repeat on the other leg.
- Jump squats in place (1 minute)
- Weighted Calf Raises
- Today I used a step bench to elevate my heels, but feel free to stand on a couple 45lb plates.
- Split Barbell Lunge (10x/leg)
- Barbell on the ground, straddle it with your lunge, lunge up and down with your barbell.
- Stability Ball Hamstring Curls (1 minute)
- Heels on the ball, bottom raised, curl the heels in.

It was an awesome workout! It was nice to complete an entire workout with talking, something very rare for me *smile.
This workout was the perfect combination of everything I enjoy. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Made me think of my favorite quote:
"If we could giver every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health." - Hippocrates
Smile and exercise - it'll make you feel better!
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