Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bootcamp Exercise - The Burpee

Today's drill is called a burpee.  Also known as a Squat Thrust, this exercise combines cardio and strength training in one movement.  

The burpee can be performed ANYWHERE! On a run, stop and do a few!  You can also fit this class in almost any cardio or toning class.  Here are a few variations of a burpee

8 Count Burpee for 32 count combo - Complete 4 cycles

1.  Stand tall and reach the hands to the ceiling

2. Squat down and place hands on the ground. (counts 1-2)

3. Remember to modify, walk or jump your feet back to the full plank position. Hands directly below shoulders and weight pushing back to the heels of your feet, core stays nice and tight (counts 3-4)

4. Jump or walk the feet back in to the squat position. (counts 5-6)

5. And finally, stand back up. (counts 7-8) Just like the starting position.

Complete this cycle 4x for your 32 count bootcamp combo.  Always keep moving and try the below modification to increase you heartrate.

Moutain climber Burpee

1. Stand tall and reach the hands to the ceiling
2. Squat down and place hands on the ground. (counts 1-2)
3. Walk or jump your feet back to the full plank position. (counts 3-4)
4. Bring each knee to your elbow as shown in the pictures below - continue these movements for 30 seconds (or each knee is a count, 5-10, both feet back 11 and 12)

start by pulling one knee to your elbow and...
...immediately switch
5. Once you have completed 30 seconds (or less), jump or walk the feet in (13-14)
6. Finally, end in the standing position (counts 15-16)

Complete this cycle 4x and you will have your 32 count combo.

Tuck Jump Burpee

Still not enough? Try this! Add a tuck jump to your standing post - knees come to elbows.

This exercise has an endless amount of modifications, have fun with it! Just remind your class to keep moving and, if necessary, march in place to bring the HR down. 

What other modifications could we do to this exercise?  Adding a pushup in your full plank position? Leap foward in your tuck jump instead of a vertical jump? Let me know how you burpee.

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