Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to Teach a Group Fitness Class - Part 1

Team - Today's post takes a different approach on this "Jonathon Combo."  Cuing a Group Fitness class is important for cooperation and safety. Here are some Cuing tips for a Group Fitness Class.

Cuing keeps everyone engaged in class.  Cuing happens before a beat or at the top of a phrase because we want everyone to follow the correct exercise pattern.  As instructors, we help create and lead the exercise patters (also know as 32 count combos - 32 count blocks).  Modifications are also important for every class.  Modifications keep safety and personal goals top of mind. 

I went to every available class when I first started teaching group classes.  Immediately after class, I would CASE the routines, mofications and cues (CASE = Copy and Steal Everything).  I would also analyze the way every instructor formatted their class.

One common factor in every class is the description of an exercise.  For example, there are ways to change up a bicep curl, but a bicep curl will always be a bicep curl with your "elbows locked to your sides and a light grip on the handles/hand weights."  This is why I developed my "How to Teach a Group Fitness Class" quick fact sheet.  Here are some things I say in class to help promote good form and health into a dymnaic fitness class.

Click "How to Teach a Group Fitness Class" below for my Fast Fact Sheet on Cuing

Half of the room planking on a step bench
This sheet helped me when I first started and is just an example of what you would hear in a group fitness class.  Feel free to print this sheet and add to it.

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